WOD Shop
In Wenzenbach or right here online!
WOD Shop
Beratung an der DiscGolf Wurfstation im Shop inkl. TechDisc Scheibe zum Aufzeichnen der Wurfparameter
Whelping Station in the Shop
From the beginner set to the package for professionals

Your perfect throw starts here!

We work with local artists to bring you the most beautiful and exclusive records. Selected by world-class artists and anything but standard!

And of course, in our shop in Wenzenbach there are thousands of discs from the biggest and most popular disc manufacturers. Discraft, Latitude64, Discmania, Innova, Prodigy, MVP & Axiom Discs ... we have them all!

Thousands of discs from the largest and most popular manufacturers

In our shop in Wenzenbach! Come by and immerse yourself in the world of discs...
Glitch, Atom, Detour, Trail and much more.
Apollo, Theios, Cosmic, Atlantis
Roc, Wombat, Firebird, Wraith and many more.
Envy, Resistor, Insanity, Mayhem and many more.
Pilo, Lift, Trace
Hope, Trust, River, Grace and much more.
Buzzz, Zone, Cicada, Zeus and many more.
Popcorn, cookies, salt, pepper and much more.
Sensei, Origin, PD, DD3 and many more.
Aufnahme von Deutschlands erstem DiscGolf Geschäft in Süddeutschland in Wenzenbach bei Regensburg mit tausenden DiscGolf Scheiben, DiscGolf Taschen, DiscGolf Körben, DiscGolf Starter Sets
5.0Best advice and huge selection
The first and only DiscGolf shop in southern Germany...

Our Pro Shop in Wenzenbach

You can get thousands of discs, accessories, clothes and professional advice in our shop at Bahnhofstraße 16 in 93173 Wenzenbach , very close to Regensburg. And also just a few minutes away from our course in Irlbach .

In addition to everything you need for disc golf, you will find advice and shape analysis with a digital throwing station in the store ! This way we can find out exactly which disc suits you best . Rounded off by a relaxed atmosphere with drinks, seating and our mini hall of fame , we provide you with a comprehensive shopping experience that is more than worth the trip!

We are also happy to be there for you outside of our regular opening hours . Simply contact us for a personal appointment whenever it suits you!