Innova Mako 3 - Kobella Champion Edition

24,90 € inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
24,90 €
29,90 €
  • Exklusiver WOD Hutman Stamp
Innova Thunderbird Fairway Driver im Michael Kobella Chamion Lion Design
Halo Star Plastik, WOD exklusiv
Detail, pink türkise Version, goldener Stamp
23,90 €
MVP Glitch im exklusiven WOD "Feel" Stamp
2x Am World Champion Michael Kobella in Spielsituation
19,90 €
  • Available, in 1-3 working days with you
Innova Mako 3 - Kobella Champion Edition
24,90 € inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
24,90 €
29,90 €

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Innova Mako3 Midrange DiscGolf disc in Halo Star plastic with unique WOD Michael Kobella Championship stamp.

In the bag of every disc golfer one A reliable midrange that can fly straight ahead is a must. The Mako3 from Innova meets exactly these requirements.
The Halo Star plastic not only gives the discs extreme style, but also fantastic grip and durability. The solid stability of the Mako3 makes it a real universal tool on the course.

Our two-time world champion Michael Kobella has also been using the Mako for a long time and so we gave him his own edition: 2x Amateur World Champion & 4x German Champion are on his resume. And the Rasta lion that adorns this WOD exclusive version can be described as his spirit animal.

Available in different weights and colors, please contact us directly for color requests and we will be happy to get in touch with you.

flight values
Speed: 5 Glide: 5 Turn: 0 Fade: 0


Pfeilgerade, mit verlässlichem, leichten Fade am Ende. Hält dabei euch Wind stand.