Innova Mako 3 - WOD Hutman

25,90 € inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
25,90 €
  • Exklusiver WOD Hutman Stamp
Axiom Discs Crave - WOD Hutman Edition
25,00 €
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Innova Mako 3 - WOD Hutman
25,90 € inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
25,90 €

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Sie fliegt und fliegt und fliegt ...

Unsere Premium Hutman Midrange macht einfach was sie soll. Zielen. Werfen. Treffen.

So einfach kann das sein.

Pfeilgerade. Aber rund. Und aus Plastik.

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Mehr Infos

Innova Mako3 Midrange DiscGolf disc in Halo Star plastic with unmistakable, exclusive WOD Hutman stamp.

Every disc golfer's bag should have a reliable midrange that flies straight. The Mako3 from Innova meets exactly these requirements and comes in an exclusive WOD design and fantastic colors. You've definitely never seen this classic midrange like this before!
The Halo Star plastic not only gives the discs extreme style, but also fantastic grip and durability. The solid stability of the Mako3 makes it a real universal tool on the course.

Available in various weights and colors. Please contact us directly for color requests and we will be happy to help you.

flight values
Speed: 5 Glide: 5 Turn: 0 Fade: 0
